- Home
- About
- Highschool Graduates
- Learning programs
- Bachelor of Sciences (Informatics)
- Bachelor of Sciences (Informatics)
- Software Technologies (BS)
- Financial engineering (BS)
- Web-Informatics (BS)
- Applied Data Analysis (Data Science, BS)
- Master of Sciences (Informatics)
- Master of Sciences (Informatics)
- International Software System Engineering (MS)
- Software Enterpreneurship (MS)
- Digital Transformation Management (MS)
- Computer science and management (MS)
- For students
- Educational process
- DAAD scholarships for continuing education at WHZ
- Teleteaching
- eBilim
- Schedule
- Schedule of educational process.
- Schedule of sessions
- Schedule of defence of Course works
- Рейтинг студентов, осенний семестр 2024-2025гг
- For alumni of 4-th course
- Graduates of the Master's degree program
- Internship Portal
- Internship Portal
- Rating of 1st year students
- Rating of 2nd year students
- Rating of 3rd year students
- Curricula
- Informatics Bachelor
- Software Technologies
- Web Informatics
- Applied Data Analysis
- Obligatory modules
- Informatics Master
- International Software System Engineering
- Software Entrepreneurship
- Obligatory modules
- Quality assurance
- The procedure for conducting and analyzing surveys
- Survey Results
- Student life
- Student Senate
- Enactus
- Business Incubator at INAI.KG
- Alumni
- Contacts
- Summer school