Master of Sciences (Informatics)

Degree  Master of Science (MSc.)
Type of studyEvening programme
Term of study2 years
Duration / ECTS4 semesters / 120 ECTS
Master Thesis30 ECTS
Admission requirements– Bachelor- oder Diplom degree in computer sciences with GPA of 75% of the last 2 years


–  Bachelor- oder Diploma degree in STEM study programmes with average GPA of 85% of the last 2 years of computer science related subjects

–  Professional experiences in computer sciences

Tuition fees100 000 som

Curriculum is available here: curriculum 

International Software System Engineering (MS)

The objectives of the educational program in the direction of "Informatics" in the preparation of masters are to prepare a graduate who will have:


1. theoretical, practical and applied knowledge, as well as self-education skills that will allow them to quickly adapt to the constant changes of IT / software technologies;

1.Interdisciplinary skills in several areas such as Software Engineering and IT (Software Engineering), IT Project and Business Process Management (PM), Business Intelligence in the IT Sector (BA).

2. leadership and professional skills that will enable them to create, evaluate, implement and manage innovative IT projects to solve business problems, digitize services, etc. in one or more application areas.


The results of the Study of the Educational program for the preparation of masters in the direction of "Informatics" with the programs:

 ISSE: International Software System Engineering;


A graduate of the Master's program in Computer Science will be able to:

1. Develop, evaluate, adapt and / or implement creative and innovative IT projects / software processes and tools for developing software systems and products for solving business problems, digitizing services, etc.  

2. Creatively lead IT / Business projects with financial, HR and marketing management skills based on ethical and entrepreneurial values. 

3. Integrate into a multicultural work environment and collaborate in professional networks. 

4. Learn throughout life.

5. Develop complex software systems based on best practices and software development standards.

System programming engineering of projects

 The program "International Software System Engineering" trains specialists in the field of industrial production and operation of information-computer systems. Our students are competent in scientific research, design, development and maintenance of software for parallel and distributed information-computing systems. The main emphasis in the training process is on design and research activities in the field of information systems of enterprise scale.

Software Enterpreneurship (MS)

The objectives of the educational program in the direction of "Informatics" in the preparation of masters are to prepare a graduate who will have:


1. theoretical, practical and applied knowledge, as well as self-education skills that will allow them to quickly adapt to the constant changes of IT / software technologies;

1.Interdisciplinary skills in several areas such as Software Engineering and IT (Software Engineering), IT Project and Business Process Management (PM), Business Intelligence in the IT Sector (BA).

2. leadership and professional skills that will enable them to create, evaluate, implement and manage innovative IT projects to solve business problems, digitize services, etc. in one or more application areas.


The results of the Study of the Educational program for the preparation of masters in the direction of "Informatics" with the programs:

 ISSE: Engineering System Programming Projects;

 SWEP: Software Enterpreneurship.


A graduate of the Master's program in Computer Science will be able to:

1. Develop, evaluate, adapt and / or implement creative and innovative IT projects / software processes and tools for developing software systems and products for solving business problems, digitizing services, etc. ISSE & SWEP

2. Creatively lead IT / Business projects with financial, HR and marketing management skills based on ethical and entrepreneurial values. SWEP & ISSE

3. Integrate into a multicultural work environment and collaborate in professional networks. ISSE & SWEP

4. Learn throughout life. ISSE & SWEP

5.Generate a business idea to promote IT projects and select a potentially viable business opportunity.

Information Technology Entrepreneurship

The Information Technology Entrepreneurship Program is a program for future leaders in the largest sectors of the innovation economy. We prepare technological entrepreneurs, managers of high-tech companies and innovation areas of large corporations.

During the training students participate in the development of their own business projects. The graduation work by the student's decision can be carried out in the format of a research project or a startup.

The program promotes the best IT technologies and business practices in almost all promising industries. The educational program not only corresponds to the main trends of education development (promotion of global values, growth of labor and educational mobility, internationalization, automation of routine intellectual operations, individualization of learning the emergence of a new model of knowledge under the influence of ICT), but is also one of them - is the involvement of business in the system of education and science.

Digital Transformation Management (MS)

Computer science and management (MS)

This double degree Master's program will enable you to combine your professional competencies with knowledge in computer science, business informatics, management and business management. In addition, the program promotes the development of intercultural communication skills.

The Master's program is accredited for the period from December 8, 2023. until September 30, 2028, the international leader in the accreditation of educational programs in the field of engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, as well as in the field of medicine and economics by the Agency for Accreditation of educational programs in the field of engineering, computer science, natural sciences and mathematics ASIIN eV (ASIIN certificate) Dusseldorf, Germany until 2028.

The requirement for obtaining a double degree for INAI is the completion of training:

1)At the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences (WHZ) - Zwickau in the amount of at least 30 ECTS credits,

2) At one of the partner universities: Kazakh-American Free University (KAFU) - Ust-Kamenogorsk, Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) - Yerevan and the International Black Sea University (MBSU) – Tbilisi in the amount of at least 30 ECTS credits.

After completing the Master's program, you will have extensive technical skills in the field of software design with international experience and cross-cultural skills in demand in the domestic and international labor market.

The Master's program not only corresponds to the main trends in the development of education, but is itself one of them, as it focuses on project and research activities in the learning process.

The requirements for admission to the double degree Master's program "Management and Computer Science" are as follows:

1. Higher education in management, business administration, computer science or other relevant specialties

2. Knowledge of English at the B2 level must be confirmed by a certificate - Cambridge Certificate, GMAT, IELTS, LCCI-Test, TELC, TOEFL, TOEIC-Test. If the first bachelor's or master's degree was obtained through the program in English, an additional certificate confirming the B2 level is not required.

3. Successful completion of the entrance interview, during which the presence of: good basic knowledge in the field of business administration and fundamental subjects related to computer science is determined.


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